Sunday, September 21, 2014

Day in Vlad!

Today I wondered around Vlad after a yummy stop in a cafe with a new Russian friend- Elena!

We went to Chololadnita Cafe...guess what they excell at? Chocolate drinks! They had them in Moscow and Petersburg, but those didn't have a sit down menu, at least not that I ever saw!

I had an Ice Oreo drink, which, while not made with real Oreos, was still delish!

Then we wandered around the sea front of Vlad and, of course, took pictures. A day out with Russians, always involves pictures.

Har Krishna is a big thing here. They like to go around singing just "har krishna"
 After than fun, I went to a free Korean Cultural Concert.


 The singers/performers were amazing! My favorite part was the traditional v. K-pop dance that they did! (which of course didn't turn out in a single picture!

See you around the globe!

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